Thank you for your support.


You can make an active difference today, right where you are.


You can be part of a movement that helps the lives of individuals and lifts up the entire community. Your gift means we will never have to turn away someone who needs help. Your gift will help fuel quality care for those who are struggling.

Emmaus Road is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We rely heavily on donations to provide low-cost counseling services to those who need counseling but cannot afford it. With your financial support, you make it possible for our therapists to walk alongside those who seek wholeness. When you give, you can be confident you are helping to build a community where all people have the opportunity to thrive.


Together, we can help people find relief from pain, and new hope can begin.


@ EmmausRoad-Counseling


Checks may be sent to:

Emmaus Road Counseling Center
1111 W. Covina Blvd, Suite 120, San Dimas, CA 91773